Month: August 2022

Voluptuous Volume

Task description: This week during Maths, we learn how to find the area of a circle and find the volume of a 3d shape. Our success criteria: I can use formula to find the area of a circle. I can use formula to work out the volume of a cube, cuboid and cylinder. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

My Mini Movie – By: Zaria

Task description: This week during FIOP, I was working on my animation for this term’s inquiry task. After I completed my mini movie, I posted it on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

My Mini Movie – By: Zaria

Task description: This week for Inquiry, I asked my teacher if we could make a movie are art because that was the theme for Term 3. And she agreed, so we started filming. After that we completed the the filming we went into editing, after that, we posted it on our blog. I enjoy this movie very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Atutahi’s Unicorn

Task description: This week for home learning, we had to select a book, and write a paragraph about you’ve read and a prediction about what will happen next or a prediction about what you think it going to happen before you read it. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Synonyms: Nouns, Adjectives & Verbs

Task description: This week during reading, we had to understand different characters by acting out a play, which we had to perform with confidence. We had to identify nouns, adjectives and verbs in our play. We were to take on the persona of different characters in a play. We also had to perform with: Appropriate VOLUME for people to hear me well & EXPRESSION that matches the emotion of my character. Then we give examples of nouns, adjectives and verbs. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Writing – Speech Introduction

Task description: This week during writing, we had to capture our audience’s attention by writing an engaging introduction. Our speech had to starts with: a question, a funny one liner, a story, the big idea or a prop. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Maths – Challenges

Task description: This week for maths, we did 3 different challenges. The first challenge we had to build a bridge out of paper and make a dice stand on it. The second challenge we were learning how to make a long tower out of straw and this task was for participation and teamwork it was fun but challenging we had fun and it was taller than us. We were the first to finish, and our tower was 147 cm tall. The last challenge was we had to build the highest tower out of cups and ours was the tallest. After that we completed the task, we put it on our blogs. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting!


Task description: This week during maths, we learn how to find the area of a triangles and circles. Our success criteria: I can find the area of a triangle. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Area of Triangles

Task description: This week during maths, we learn how to find the area of a triangle. Our success criteria: I can find the area of a triangle. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.