Month: November 2022

Riveting Revision

Riveting Revision

WALT: revise our learning and apply our skills in a range of concepts – We are revising our previous learning!

5 ^2 = 25

6 ^3= 216

√25 = 5

√81= 9

√64 = 8

Decimal revision:

What is 0.15 x 10? 1.5

What is 1000 x 10? 10000

What is 1 ÷ 10? 0.1

What  is 1 ÷ 100? 0.01

0.2 ÷ 10 = 0.02

Place value revision:

How many 10s are in 231? There is 23 10s in 231

How many thousands are in 1345? There is only 1 thousand in 1345

How many hundreds in 2354? There are 23 hundreds in 2354

How many mm are in a cm? 10 millimetres

How many cm are in a m? 100 centimetres

How many g are in a kg? 1000 grams

How many ml are in a L? 1000 ml

145mm + 5 cm = 195 millimetres

155 mm + 1.5 cm = 170 millimetres

1km + 550m= 1.55 kilometres


Which of these are the largest?

Decimals & Measurement:

11 230 mm

1095 cm

108.9 m


Shape Revision & Perimeter Revision & Area and Volume Revision:

What are the properties of a triangle? The properties of a triangle are: A triangle has three sides, three angles, and three vertices.

What do the angles of a triangle add up to? The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

What is the area of this shape? Its height is 7cm and its base is 5cm. The area of this shape is 17.5

What are the properties of a cube? It is a three-dimensional, square-shaped figure, and it has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices.

Its sides are 12cm long. What is its volume? The volume of a Cube is 1728 because V=a3=123=1728

Each side of a square is 5cm long. What is its perimeter? What is its area? The perimeter of a square is 20, this is because P=4a=4·5=20. The area of a square is 25, this is because A=a2=52=25.

The radius is 5. What is the area of the circle? The area of a circle is 78.54, this is because A=πr2=π·5278.53982.

Fun Maths:

2875 – 1967 = 908

90+89+75+ 84 = 338

?- 450 = 962 (? = 1412)

47.03 + 1.97 = 49

55 – 45.5 = 9.5

1.34 + 4.34 = 5.68

_ – 55 = 92 ( _ = 37 )

-2 + – 3 = -5

1 – 5 = -4

T x 2 = 20

T x 5= 50

7 x B = 65

2 x B = 18

Percentage Revision

0.5 = %50

25% = 0.25

¼ = %25

Write 70/100 as a percentage


Write 40/200 as a percentage


What is 15 percent of 300?

15 percent of 300 = 45

Fraction Revision

½ + ⅙ = ⅔ 

⅓ + 1/ 6 = 1/2

⅕ + ¼ = 9/20

What is a number in between 2/10 and ½? 0.3


Put the following in order from smallest to biggest:

0.1, 0.07, 0.21, 0.3, 0.076

This is the order it should be in: 0.076, 0.07, 0.21, 0.3, 0.1

Word Problem:

Allen wants to use the computer for one hour at an internet cafe – which is the cheapest rate?

  • 16 cents a minute
  • $5.60 an hour
  • $2.30 per 20 minutes
  • 50 cents per 5 minutes
  • $3.60 per 30 minutes

Ratio Revision

If 6 packets of lollies cost the same as 4 cookies, how many packets of lollies would cost the same as 10 cookies? 15 packets of lollies would cost the same as 10 cookies.

2 cookies = 3 packets lollies

8 cookies = 12 packets lollies

10 cookies = 15 packets lollies


Mean, median, mode and range

5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5

What is the range of these numbers? 3

What is the average of these numbers? 5.37 (2dp)

What is the median of these numbers? 5 & 5 = 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7

What is the mode of these numbers? 5



What is the probability that a dice will land on a six? 1% chance of landing on 6 out of 6%

What is the probability that a coin will land on heads? 50% chance of landing on hands out of 100%

I want to know whether there are more boys or girls in year eight at PES. Can I figure this out by looking at the year eights in room 4? How would I work this out? You could figure this out by doing a statistical Inquiry and making a graph to work out and find your data.


Interpreting graphs: To interpret a graph or chart, read the title, look at the key, read the labels. Then study the graph to understand what it shows. Read the title of the graph or chart. The title tells what information is being displayed.

How can you interpret this graph? The changing slope of the line segments emphasises changes, trends, and patterns. For a single series of data, assess the changes in the line to identify trends and patterns. When you have multiple metrics, compare their lines to determine whether they have the same trend and patterns.

How can you interpret this graph? Each bar represents a summary value for one discrete level, where longer bars indicate higher values. Types of summary values include counts, sums, means, and standard deviations. Bar charts are also known as bar graphs. Bar charts highlight differences between categories or other discrete data.

How can you interpret this graph? The closer the data points come to forming a straight line when plotted, the higher the correlation between the two variables, or the stronger the relationship. If the data points make a straight line going from near the origin out to high y-values, the variables are said to have a positive correlation.



 Jill will have to wait 15 minutes until she can get the next train because there is 15 minutes until Train 4 leaves the station at 15:52 


Bob gets to Church Street at 08.15, what train should he catch? Bob will have to wait 4 minutes until he can get the next train because there is 4 minutes until Train 2 leaves the station at 08:19


The x coordinate of the yellow pentagon it 6,6

What is the coordinate of the heart? The coordinate of the heart is 5,1

The square moves 2 places right and one place up. What is its new coordinate? The new coordinate of the square is 3,4

The triangle is reflected across line y = 7 . What is the location of the reflection? I think the coordinate of the triangle is 9,7




What is the rule for this pattern? The pattern is 2

What would the next two numbers in the pattern be? 9 and 11

What would the 100th number be? The 100th number in this pattern would be 201 – as I have worked out above.



Estimate the size of angle a = 45

Estimate the size of angle b = 135

What do the interior angles of a triangle add up to? The interior angles of a triangle add up to or sum to 180°.

Task description: This week during Maths, we are revising past learning, we had to learn identify our strengths and gaps. Most of this week was revising our learning and applying our skills in a range of concepts. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog. <3

PAT Test Prep – Y8

Task description: This week during Maths, we are revising past learning, we had to learn identify my strengths and gaps. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.