This week during Maths, we are learning to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division, and use equations to express a problem. Appreciate that tens are nested in hundreds and thousands and use that knowledge to rename whole numbers. We had to learn how to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division and use equations to express a problem. We were also looking into renaming the whole numbers to make the addition and subtraction of collections of tens or hundreds easier. It was really easy to do so me and my friend got it done really fast.
My maths group worked on some really easy maths problems, which I finished really fast. It was really fun and easy for me and my friend, we answered all the questions and showed how we did it. We tried to find out different ways to solve them. It was really fun because all we had to do was just solve the number of questions. What I had to do was answer 8 word problems and show my working out. After I completed the task I had to post it. These word problems were really easy. Expect the last slide my friend got stuck on and was so confused, so I had to help her on it. She said “the last slide (8) was really tricky to divide the numbers so I tried my very best to find an answer for the question but I couldn’t” so I helped her out.
My quote of the day: It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with word problems longer
I don’t have a highlight today because I had a writing test today and I wasn’t feeling well at all during it which led me to not be able to think straight or write. My lowlight was having to find out new methods to solve a problem because I usually use the same methods to do my work. Something to work on for this week is finding out new strategies to solve each problem. It was really easy though because most of the questions require division and I’m good at division. After that I completed the task, and I posted it on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.