Tag: Week 10

POV: You’ve won 2 million dollars

Congratulations! You have won 2 million dollars. What would you do with the money?


I have thought about this before so I’ve planned it out based on my life and things happening in it, so firstly I would spend $1140000 dollars on a house from my 2 million dollars and that would leave me with $860000 dollars left to save or spend, but I’m gonna spend.


Next I would half my $860000 dollars and put $430000 dollars on my card which I would save and slowly use over the next couple of years to pay off the payments for the house and buy things like furniture for the house I bought, which I’m gonna keep on my oldest sisters name until I’m 18 and can legally own a property of my own name


After that I’d use the other $430000 dollars to help my parents pay off the mortgage and pills and let’s say that’s around $10000 dollars, I would have $420000 dollars left I would give 1000 to my sisters each, which would leave me with $418000 dollars. 


So then I would give $5000 dollars to my parents each for them to spend on themselves and buy whatever they need or want. Leaving me with $408000 dollars. 


Next I would give $10200 dollars for zakat because 2.5% of 408000 is 10200. But the reason I’m gonna give that money for zakat is because zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It’s a donation that Muslims regard as a mandatory act within their faith. Followers of Islam who have at least a minimum amount of wealth are required to give 2.5% of their liquid assets away to charity each year. Zakat’s are usually given to people in need. Also it’s considered a good deed in my religion and if you have ever committed a sin, by giving zakat you are giving back for that and making up for your wrongdoing.


After that I would have $397800 dollars left and from that I would also give 7800 for sadaqah jariyah which literally translates from its original Arabic as “flowing,” or “running” (jariyah) “charity” (sadaqah), meaning charity that one gives in life that continues to provide charitable benefit to its elected donee and, therefore, divine reward to its giver, after its donor passes away from this life. Sadaqah Jariyah is considered an act of kindness that continues to give long-term or after you have left this world. are usually given to people in need. 


After all of that I would have $390000 dollars left, and with that I would send half of the $390000 meaning $195, 000 dollars to Fiji to help my family pay bills and do anything else they need, such as renovation or paint jobs. And to get help with medical care because my nan is sick.


After all of that I would have $195,000 dollars left. Using that I would buy weekly groceries for the next 7 years because 195,000/365 = 534.24(2dp) and that’s how much groceries usually cost in my household. And I divided 195,000 by 365 because there are 365 weeks in 7 years. But if anything ever happens and there is an emergency or anything like that I can use that money as well.


And that is everything I would do if I won 2 million dollars!


Task description: This week during Writing, our task was to complete 2 free choice activities. My first task was to write a rhyming poem about something gross like farts and my second one was saying what would you do with the money if I won 2 million dollars. This is my second free choice activities, and to be honest, I wouldn’t go on a shopping spree or anything, I would use the money to help my family and to help random people in need.

My highlight was writing all my reasoning behind the things I would do with the money and seeing how much you could do with 2 million dollars. This task was really fun and I enjoyed every bit of it so I don’t really have a lowlight for it but maybe next time I will. I don’t have anything to work on this week either because I’m really proud of myself and how I’ve done this week. I hope to do more like this soon because it was really fun. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you! Bye~

A Slimy thing…

A Slimy thing…

A Poem By: Zaria Khan


A slimy slug, a slimy snail,

A slimy thing that’s sure to fail

To make you smile, to make you laugh,

It’s sure to make you want to take a bath


A slimy frog, a slimy toad,

A slimy thing that’s sure to goad

To make you cringe, to make you squirm,

It’s sure to make you want to squirm and squirm


A slimy bug, a slimy fly,

A slimy thing that’s sure to die

To make you gag, to make you puke,

It’s sure to make you want to take a look


A slimy worm, a slimy grub,

A slimy thing that’s sure to rub

To make you sick, to make you ill,

It’s sure to make you want to take a pill


Task description: This week during Writing, our task was to complete 2 free choice activities. My first task was to write a rhyming poem about something gross like farts. I did mine on slimy things such as bugs, flys, frogs, worms, toads, slugs, snails etc. I choose to do my poem on such things because when I think of something gross that’s what comes to my mind. It was really fun trying out new creative and weird words to use in my poem.

My highlight was writing my poem because it was really funny and it was a weird topic to write a poem on. My lowlight was trying to figure out what words would fit in the poem. I don’t have anything to work on this week because I’m really proud of myself and how I’ve done this week. I hope to do more like this soon because it was really fun. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you! Bye~

Blog commenting

Task description: This week during Writing, our task was to write a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment on 5 peoples blogs in our literacy class. For me, looking at all my friends’ posts was fun and seeing how they were going with their learning, but what I loved even more was writing them a comment. And my reasoning for this is I feel like when someone shows their appreciation and interest towards your work it makes you feel good inside and happy that people care about your learning and how you’re doing. It also motivates you to do better and try your best next time, and I feel like this because personally when someone compliments me or leaves me a positive comment I feel like I did well and that I should be proud of myself.

For my 5 people to comment on, I chose to do 5 of my friends. These peoples names being, Tumanako, Mary, Swaimah, Rylan and Elijah. Not gonna lie this task was really fun and I really hope we do more like this soon because we don’t usually comment on each other’s blogs so it’s nice to spread a bit of kindness once in a while. One thing I found hard was choosing whose blogs I wanted to comment on because most of my friends are in my class so that was probably my only lowlight for this task but the rest was really fun and interesting. Something I loved was how each person I picked had something different on their blogs and they had a good task description telling us what they did and how they found it.

My highlight was finishing the task really fast because it was really easy. My lowlight was probably trying to think of who’s blogs to choose to comment on and what task to comment on as they were all really good. Something I’ll work on next time is trying to add more details to the comments and to give them some feedback/ideas, but I found that a bit hard this time because all the tasks were so good and didn’t have anything to work on. But besides all of that I don’t have anything I want to work on this week for writing, but anyways I enjoyed doing literacy a lot today, and if I’m being honest it was the easiest work I’ve had so far this term. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you! Bye~

Transum Level 1-4 Questions

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to recognise that to find the value of the missing number, you have to ‘undo’ what has been done to it. We had to find the value of one variable; two steps to vole; may involve decimals and integers. My highlight was finishing the task really fast because it was really easy. My lowlight is answering the questions because it was boring but I finished them. I don’t have anything to work on this week, but anyways I enjoyed doing maths today. And if I’m being honest it was the easiest work I’ve had so far this term. My group was only supposed to do level 3 and 4 but I finished early so I did level 1, 2, 3 and 4. I wanna try doing level 5 next time we have maths. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Dawn Raid

Task description: This week during reading, we are learning to monitor ourselves to read through a novel. We are also working on keeping up with our group, meaning if we fall behind we have to catch up. We also had to play an active part in our group discussions. After that I completed the task, and I posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Dawn Raid – Create Task

Task description: This week during reading, we are learning to monitor ourselves to read through a novel. We are also working on keeping up with our group, meaning if we fall behind we have to catch up. We also had to play an active part in our group discussions. For my first task I had to explain what I would do if I had the power of invisibility for a day, I had to write this as a diary entry. For the second one I had to create a poster that explains the deeper meaning behind the lyrics of Tūtira mai ngā iwi, using Google draw. After that I completed both of the task, and I posted it on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

My Design & Info

Task description: This week during Extension, we were looking at 3 words, social consciousness, sustainability, cultural appropriation, and anything else about fashion & culture.  We are becoming fashion designer and we have been tasked to design 2 outfits for a special family occasion. Create concept designs for this new outfit. We had to think about colour/patterns/material that is appropriate for the climate, culture etc, and make sure our design is sustainable and socially conscious.

We had to create these designs on Photopea or Scratch, and we had to also make sure your finished project uses new vocabulary and detailed annotations or voice over. But for this week we just had to share our designs so far on our blog. This is how far I have got this week and next week I hope to learn a bit more on my second design. I have already finished our term 2 extension project but I would still love to learn more about the fijian culture.

The culture I picked was Fijian and I have used different patterns from the culture in my dress and shirt. I decided to do a wedding for my occasion because I wanted to learn more about the clothing and it interested me very much. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Social Consciousness: That could mean being aware of how your actions will impact others, being able to read other people’s emotions through verbal and non-verbal cues, and seeing a situation as if you were standing in someone else’s shoes.

Sustainability: Sustainability is about small changes we can make to help look after the planet. Making these changes helps protect animals, plants and our natural resources so that future generations will be able to enjoy them.

Cultural Appropriation: Cultural appropriation involves stealing or misusing elements of another culture. These elements may be the shared ideologies and beliefs of people within a culture, their lifestyles, or even their creative and artistic productions.

Fashion & Culture: Fashion is most often thought of as a global industry that is invested in anticipating what we wear and how we wish to appear to others. But fashion isn’t just a business. It’s also a cultural and social phenomenon, driven by the desire for the new.

Pi and Circles

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to choose the appropriate form of measurement. We are also learning how to measure length, volume and mass. After that I completed the task, and I posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Units of Measurement

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to choose the appropriate form of measurement. We are also learning how to measure length, volume and mass. After that I completed the task, and I posted it on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Solving Ratio Problems & Equivalent Ratios

Task description: This week during Maths, we learn how to write ratios based on images – Eg. 4 blue jelly beans to 5 red jelly beans. After we did our maths task about ratios we did a smarties experiment. We used a pack of smarties to show ratios between smarties. I chose to show my ratio as – 2 pink to 3 blues to 5 purples – After we simplified (2:3:5) we finished our lesson and ate the sweets. after that we talked about how to make the ratio bigger we need to times both side by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9… and so on. Our working out/maths are shown on the images. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog; thank you for visiting my blog.