Task description: This week during Extension, we are learning and talking about different types of futuristic ideas that can help humans in their everyday life. This means we had to think big, even if we weren’t gonna be able to make it we were learning and researching why these would be good for us as humans and why they should be made in the future. We had to talk amongst our selfs and discussion the topic and futuristic things and items that could or would be useful to humans and why. After that we had to pick one and write why it would be a good idea. I decided to do teleportation machine because I think it would be help but also fun. This term for our Extension project we were told to create a design of an object or product that would solve problems for humans and make everyday life easier in the future. With that in mind I decided to create a ‘Teleportation Machine’ to help people save money on gas and to make life easier as travelling to places can be a click away. We had to use a online 3D deisgn site called ‘Thinkercad’ to create our projects. We then has to explain how our projects work and after doing all of that post it on our blogs. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.
Futuristic Ideas
- Author By Ari
- Publication date November 29, 2023
- Categories: Ako | Learn, Hanga | Create, Tohatoha | Share
- Tags: 2023, Extension, Room 4, Term 4, Weel 1-8, Year 8
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