Tag: Year 7

Synonyms: Nouns, Adjectives & Verbs

Task description: This week during reading, we had to understand different characters by acting out a play, which we had to perform with confidence. We had to identify nouns, adjectives and verbs in our play. We were to take on the persona of different characters in a play. We also had to perform with: Appropriate VOLUME for people to hear me well & EXPRESSION that matches the emotion of my character. Then we give examples of nouns, adjectives and verbs. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Writing – Speech Introduction

Task description: This week during writing, we had to capture our audience’s attention by writing an engaging introduction. Our speech had to starts with: a question, a funny one liner, a story, the big idea or a prop. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Reading Scales

Task description: This week during maths, we learn how to use appropriate scales and devices. Our success criteria: I can use measuring equipment correctly. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Converting Units of Mass

Task description: This week during maths, we learn how to use appropriate scales and devices. Our success criteria: I can use measuring equipment correctly. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Commonwealth Games Map – Create Task

Task description: This week during reading, we had to create a map that shows the 72 countries that are represented in the Commonwealth Games using Google Maps. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Commonwealth Games

Task description: This week during reading, we learn how to make effective notes and condense ideas to summarise. We had to read a text about the Commonwealth Games and answer questions. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Measuring Mass

Task description: This week during maths, we learn use appropriate scales and devices. SUCCESS CRITERIA: I can use measuring equipment correctly. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Science Lab Rules

Task description: Today for the year 7 Tech rotation, we had to walk to Tamaki College to meet with one of there amazing teacher. My tech group is STEM/Science, I enjoy STEM/Science every much, so I was thrilled to learn about it. After our kahoot like we have before we start every class, we had…

Finish it off properly (FIOP)

Task description: During the week my literacy and math class was finishing all of their work from term 2 off properly !FINISH IT OFF PROPERLY – FLOP! Our success criteria: All tasks from his term are COMPLETED, FILED CO!RRECTLY and SHARED on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much because I had already finishing everything for this term, and since their are only 2 1/2 days of school left. I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog. BBYYEEE ;P